65 West Jackson Boulevard Chicago, Illinois 60604 312 427 7800 | www.ulcc.org
Welcome to Loyal Hearts –We join ourselves to no party which does not carry the flag and keep step to the music of the Union.
The condition of membership shall be absolute and unqualified loyalty to the Government of the United States. The primary objects of this As- sociation shall be: First. To encourage and promote by moral, social and political influences, unconditional loyalty to the Federal Government, and to defend and protect the integrity and perpetuity of this nation. Second. To inculcate a higher appreciation of the value and sacred obligations of American citizenship; to maintain the civil and political equality of all citizens in every section of our common country, and to aid in the enforcement of all laws enacted to preserve the purity of the ballot box. Third. To resist and oppose corruption and to promote economy in office, and to secure honesty and efficiency in the administration of National, State and Municipal affairs. If you have any questions while filling out this form, call the Membership Department at 3 1 2 . 4 3 5 . 4 8 2 5 .
Please note that ALL sections of this proposal must be completed and a check in the amount of the applicable initiation fee needs to be attached in order for this proposal to be processed by the Admissions Committee. All information contained within this proposal will be treated in the strictest confidence.
Return this completed proposal and check to the Membership Office, Union League Club of Chicago, 65 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, IL 60604.
If no please contact the Membership Office for a Privilege Holder form.
List Individuals to be included on your account: (If domestic partners, see Membership Office for Declaration of Domestic Partnership Form)
Personal Commitment: I have reviewed the foregoing answers and declare all information to be true and correct. I agree to be bound by the By-Laws and House Rules of the Club now in effect and as hereafter adopted. I have read the Condition of Membership and Primary Corporate Objects on the first page of this Proposal, agree to the Conditions of Membership, and pledge myself to support the Club in carrying out its purposes. I understand that I must promptly advise the Club of any change in my address or membership status and that failure to do so will subject me to immediate payment of all applicable outstanding dues, charges and fees. I also understand that by signing this proposal, I authorize the Club to conduct a credit reference check at any time. Additionally, I also hereby consent to the use of photos (or other images) of myself, spouse, children and/or guests of mine taken at Club associated events for promoting Club business and activities, including, but not limited to, Club publications.
The Proposal for Membership for a Resident member must be signed by two members, at least one of whom must be a Resident member. Proposals for Metropolitan and Non-Resident members may be signed by any two members.
Please list the names and address of three personal references other than your sponsors. They do not need to be Union League Club members.
I understand that the following credit card will be used for past due balances.
Your Primary Profession enter (1) Your Spouse’s or Partner’s Primary Profession enter (2)
The Union League Club of Chicago is proud to provide a wide range of events, forums and other areas for getting engaged with the Club for members and their families consistent with our motto “Commitment to Community and Country.” Please take a moment to check off the areas of interest to you and your family. This will help the Club understand what events may be of interest and to ensure that you receive adequate commu- nications when events are planned. Please check off your top 4 interests with the number (1) and for your partner’s interests enter (2)