What Interests You?

What Interests You?

Making Networking Easy

Finding others who share your particular interests can at times feel daunting. However, the Union League Club of Chicago has made it easier for you! Whether you are looking to elevate your lifestyle, enhance your professional network, learn new skills or just meet new people, participating in any of the more than 30 interest groups available at the ULCC is an easy opportunity for you to find others who share your same interests. 

Interest Groups

Advertising & Marketing    Blockchain/Digital Asset    Book Discussion    Brass Ensemble    Bridge    Cigar    Civil War Roundtable    CPA & Accounting Roundtable    Cycling   Entrepreneur   Environmental    Field & Stream    Financial Markets    Golf    Jazz Union    Lawyers Group    Member Sing-Along    Network    Philanthropy    Photography    Railway Supply    Real Estate    Sailing    Technology    Toastmasters    Vintage Movie Group    Wine Group    Women's Roundtable    Writers Group    Young At Heart    Younger Members

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Join the Community

Be a part of something bigger than yourself.

Are you interested in joining the ULCC community? Join an organization that has a history of giving back.