Instructions for Entering the ULCC Members Invitational Art Show

Deadline: Monday, April 21, 2025 (midnight)

  • Entries only from ULCC members, spouses of members, and children of members between the ages of 18 and 21.
  • Art must be two-dimensional (no sculpture). Paintings, drawings, watercolors and photographs acceptable. Only work made within the last 3 years will be accepted. AI generated content/artwork is NOT accepted.
  • Art must not exceed dimensions 36 by 36 inches.
  • Maximum two entries per member.
  • Please fill out pdf form attached and upload two jpegs maximum.
  • Send form to [email protected]
  • ONLY entries submitted by this process will be eligible.


Entries will be judged, and finalists will be notified. If selected, art must be
framed (or canvas wrapped around stretcher) and MUST have hanging hardware
(wire preferred, D-rings acceptable). Members are responsible for delivery
and pick up of art on designated dates.